
Name Status About Links
Simple Cardboard AR Headset Instructables article pending An easy-to-make, simple AR headset design inspired by the Google Cardboard. N/A
MRTK New Gesture Scripts [Oculus Quest] In Progress A collection of scripts for easily adding new articulated hand gesture commands in the Unity Editor with MRTK. N/A
SushiYeah On Hold A short visual novel style game with cute art and sushi. N/A
VRChat Worlds and Avatars On Hold A collection of Avatars and Worlds in VRChat to play with friends. N/A
Semi-Autonomous Car Simulation in VR [Oculus Rift] Completed A virtual reality simulation of operating a semi-autonomous vehicle.
Created in order to collect driver data in a controlled and safe environment.
Simulation Progress Video Playlist

About Kendra

Kendra is a software engineer who enjoys creating augmented and virtual reality applications. She has developed mixed reality applications for Android, Google Cardboard, Oculus Rift, Go, and Quest, Vive and Vive Pro, Windows Mixed Reality headsets, and Hololens and Hololens 2. Her primary programming language is C#, but she is also comfortable working in Java and has previously worked with Python, C, and C++.

In her spare time, Kendra enjoys playing video games, trying out new hobbies, learning new skills, and giving her friends headaches at karaoke.